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香港文革終結篇 Hongkong Cultural Rev -Conclusion


Updated: Jun 13, 2023






我一向喜歡諷刺。 這可能是一種心理變態,也可能是由於環顧四周,人類發達社會之中,都是些非常諷刺的現象。朋友說:“你不能老用‘激脹法’ 跟老鄉說話,諸多批評,大家不喜歡聽。來些好聽的話哄哄吧!” 但哄我們的花言巧語不愁沒有人說哦!大家只要繼續鬧,拼命鬧,鬧得夠狂夠份量的話,美國(挪威?唉!)早晚會頒個諾貝爾和平獎給“整體香港人”。

某方面我是個典型的中國人。人家的事, 不直接影響我的,與我無關,我沒有資格批評。美國是例外。美國政府的手指腳趾飛船大炮喉舌傳媒假銀紙假道德遍佈全球,危害著全人類的將來,所以人人都應該關心。其實美國的老百姓與香港人有些相似;一般很熱情;聲大大傻乎乎的都不是壞人。為甚麼一群普通的好人,會攪出一個這樣的政府來呢?這是否證明制度上有問題呢?根據紐約時報的民調,美國的極端民主國會只有百分之九(哎 yes!9%!不滿意這民調結果的人,大可以隨便給它加倍調整,就當它18%吧)的支持率,跟被他們任意處死的候賽恩等民望相距甚遠。諷刺嗎?這方面香港為甚麼不向美國人民借鏡,吸取他們的慘痛經驗呢?

我寫“笙歌”的時候,某天坐在海邊欣賞那百看不厭的維港風貌,幻想這個都市在2090年人口稀疏的假想情況之下的情景。突然之間,不聽話的念頭一轉,想起了顧家輝, 想起了黃霑。腦袋裡響起了仙杜拉的歌聲:

青山原是我身邊伴  伴著白雲在我前

碧海是我的心中樂  與我風裡渡童年 。 。。

是誰令青山也變  變了俗氣的咀臉

又是誰令碧海也變  變作俗流滔天 。 。 。




DAY 7 - Final Declaration

Dear Comrades,

Our revolutionary journey is coming to an end. I ask myself why I started this revolution. Just something to do, of course. In addition, there’s a tinge of nostalgia. I’m after all at my prime for nostalgia.

This small small world is a big big place to me. There are a number of places I can happily call home. But Hong Kong is the first home for me, and my daughters. I was once very proud of it. My parents' generation struggled and created hope right here during a turbulent time. They showed a tenacious spirit which people still talk about. They held hands with fate, and changed destinies. They also changed Hong Kong.

But lately, my relationship with this home has become awkward. Many of my friends feel the same. These imminent retirees are reluctant to offer their experience and advice to a community to which they owe their success, and love. They opt to withdraw instead, with mouths shut.

So I decided to revolt from the top secret Fragrant Chamber in my apartment.

I realised this is a local movement. Anyone unfamiliar with HK news may have difficulties making sense of some of the messages. This Final Declaration is quite different from the Chinese version because some nostalgic lamentations could only be felt by people who I grew up with. There’s only so much a family letter can be understood by friends.

I’ve been accused of being too critical and sarcastic about HK’s simple-minded views on democracy. Perhaps I should be more encouraging instead. But what does it matter? Only a few would hear anyways.

I see ironies everywhere I look in today’s wonderful world of Homo sapiens. Most Americans I know are gregarious and generous, loud and enthusiastic, quite similar to Hongkongers. But their government is killing and looting with unchecked avarice, demonising the victims through a powerful propaganda network, flooding the planet with pollution, fake money, dubious morality and triple standard. How could a bunch of good people have created such an abominable empire? But according to the New York Times, the US Congress has an approval rating of only 9% (say nine percent! Okay, those who find uncooperative poll figures disturbing may arbitrarily double it to 18%, fair enough?) Why would anyone imitate such an evidently unrepresentative and flawed system?

When writing Man's Last Song, I sat by the waterfront one day, wondering how the magnificent view might look in Song Sung's world. My mind drifted off to a song from younger days: "Who had polluted my childhood landscape, giving it the tawdry face that I see . . ." The sentimental attack nearly brought a tear; even the equally deranged fellow squatting nearby, fishing for sickly looking fingerlings shimmering with petroleum, was worried.

I was not saddened by change. Everything changes all the time. I was disappointed by our mindlessness in this change. Why can’t we learn from other's lessons instead of screaming empty slogans that most people never give any thought to?

I know why! Because Hong Kong doesn't have democracy the same way!

Be thorough in copying Democracy. Don’t think too much! Listen to mentor! Be ready to sacrifice and sink together as one glorious bundle!

Democracy Biggest! Other Talks No Sense!


Link to DAY 1 鏈接到第一天 HK Cultural Rev Declaration 文革宣言

Guo Du 13.07.2012


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